Oh hi there, I’m charlotte

I’m known for leading Big Health’s UK business and achieving two milestones for digital health that everyone said was impossible: 1) national reimbursement of a digital therapeutic and 2) NICE recommendation of software as a treatment. Whilst the Sleepio and Daylight case study brought validity to the digital therapeutics (read: software as a treatment) industry and accelerated its maturation, it was also a huge gamble and took a lot of tenacity and focus to bring to life.

When I left Big Health in May 2022 I spoke to many scale-ups who were looking for that player coach skillset. Many leaders are looking to solve a sales, marketing or operational pain point, but don’t have the bandwidth to solve it. They need someone who can think strategically across the business but who is also great at making stuff happen. They also don’t have the time to get a new hire spun up on the nuances of the business so want someone with lived experience in med tech to quickly get on board with the fundamentals. Oh and did I mention that they often need them now.

If the above resonates just a little bit with what you’re experiencing right now, I could help.

Give me a call and let’s make history.

P.S. if you were looking for a story about my ballet career and how I was once mistaken for a haggis, you’re just going to have to ask me in person!